Why Evangelists Love Donald Trump

If you needed one more reason to keep Donald Trump out of the White House at any cost, this is it. These demented people have replaced Jesus with him.

I saw this article this morning, on reprinted by Yahoo from the N. Y. Times:


I suppose I’m supposed to respect and have some empathy for these folks’ energetic sincerity in the pursuit of their faith .

I don’t.

I won’t.

I can’t.

I used to, even though I’ve always considered the extreme nature of their faith skewed.

But they want an American government that will run the country according to their faith.

This is beyond skewed.

This is bonkers.

This is national suicide.

Government by religion has always been disaster.

It always will be.

The American Constitution wants nothing to do with their kind.

What they want is nothing less than to run this country like an American Taliban.


If I have to choose between a government run by greed and one run by religious zealots, give me greed.

Every time.

Give me a government run by the old-time Mafia over one controlled by religious extremists.

Every damn time.

Especially if those zealots see a psychopath like Donald Trump as any kind of savior.

This makes them far worse than just cultists.

It makes them stupid.

It makes them devoid of any level of rationality whatsoever.

It makes them dangerous beyond description.

It makes them members of a very notable group of historical groups and tyrants.

The aforementioned Taliban…

The Nazis…



Vlad the Impaler…

Idi Amin…

You get the idea.

If you needed one more reason to keep Donald Trump out of the White House at any cost, this is it. These demented people have replaced Jesus with him.

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