The Supreme Court: Trump’s Greatest Achievement

The oneJoe Biden has accomplished so much for Americans, the environment, and American’s renewed respect and standing in the eyes of the world. But the country, the democracy, may well be lost due to the one glaring mistake he made early on.

This one is a MUST read.

There is a VERY REAL possibility that Trump could end up owning this country, running it from the White House as the dictator he has always wanted to be, wiping out any chance of holding him responsible for his crimes and making MAGA and the Evangelistic American Taliban the law of the land.

And the Supreme Court of Donald Trump, carefully crafted by Trump himself to do exactly what we see them about to do, will make it happen.

And what happens then? a 2nd American Revolution led by the military? A 2nd Civil War? Concentration camps for Democrats and non-loyal “rinos,” and members of the media who dare to toe the line? And yes, the idea of incarcerating all who object to Trump has already been floated, by Trump himself.

Kari Lake’s “strap on a Glock” statement may end up being all too realistically the question facing all Americans who don’t wish to be governed the way Putin governs Russia.

The Supreme Court of Trump will give America’s wannabe dictator the opening, leading up to an election his Republican followers are already making plans to steal.

Joe Biden has accomplished so much for Americans, the environment, and American’s renewed respect and standing in the eyes of the world. But the country, the democracy, may well be lost due to the one glaring mistake he made early on. With control of the President and both houses of Congress, he refused to do one critical thing. He refused to add members to the Supreme Court to even it out.

One mistake in judgment. One step too far in avoiding controversy. One misstep in the name of maintaining a supposed harmony the right wing threw away years ago in their quest to own it all.


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